Chapter 2 Part 1
"How nostalgic... It feels like I'm back to when I was a kid."
The scene shifts to my room.
I'm sitting on the bed next to Rika.
YÅ«ri, having finished what she wanted to talk about, went into the forest to call my parents.
At first, I thought I'd follow her, but—
"Jin-san, please keep Rika-chan company, okay? Oh, I don’t mean keep her company on the bed—"
She said this, so I figured it would be fine.
The latter part of her sentence was something my brain refused to process, so I don’t really remember it.
"YÅ«ri's kind at heart, so I like her. I can’t hate her."
"She's good at cooking, and she helped me with studying too."
"Also, her boobs are bigger than mine."
"Yeah... Could you not suddenly agree to something like that?"
"But, I'm not losing to her in how I feel about Jin."
Rika spread her arms and collapsed backward onto the bed.
She patted the bed, and I followed her, lying down next to her.
It’s a cheap bed. It creaks loudly, and my back hurts a little.
But still, the sight of Rika being next to me feels so nostalgic and comforting.
"We used to sleep together a lot. It's nostalgic."
"I was thinking the same thing. You'd wake me up in the middle of the night, asking me to go with you to the bathroom, then you'd crawl into bed with me afterward."
"Yeah. It's warm when I sleep with Jin."
"You, on the other hand... You'd cling to me at first, but once you fell asleep, you'd have the worst sleeping habits and always steal my blanket."
I flicked her forehead lightly with my finger. But Rika didn’t even blink.
"Hehehe. I’ve become immune to such light damage."
"The blessing of a [Hero] really is strong. I might not stand a chance against you anymore."
"Of course. I’m already stronger than you, Jin. I could defeat you with my pinky. Want to have an arm wrestling match like we used to?"
"Haha, I’m not falling for that kind of provocation."
"Running away? You’ve become a coward, Jin."
"…It’s not running away, it’s a strategic retreat."
"Scaredy-cat. Weakling. You’re less than my pinky."
"Ah, so you’re too scared to even get on stage because you’re afraid of losing? How uncool."
"I’ll show you!!"
"…Just like YÅ«ri taught me…"
I couldn’t make out exactly what she was mumbling, but that’s not important right now.
If I back down after being mocked like this, it’d be a disgrace to my pride as a man.
Even I have at least that much pride.
"I’ll twist you lightly. Not just with your pinky, bring everything you’ve got!"
"Are you sure? You could really get hurt."
"Come at me with your pinky!"
And with that, the last remnants of my pride shattered.
"Alright, then."
I grab Rika's pinky tightly.
Her finger is so small and slender that it disappears in my grip.
Normally, this would look like a grown man bullying an innocent young girl.
But my opponent is Rika, the [Hero]. From the start, I’m going all out…!
"Take your time, Jin. Start whenever you’re ready."
"Got it—here I go!"
Without hesitation, I pour my entire weight into her arm, trying to push it down.
My biceps bulge, veins popping out along my arm.
Without a doubt, this is the strongest effort I can muster.
And yet, Rika doesn’t budge—not even a millimeter.
"You're so cute when you're trying your best," she says with a soft laugh.
The moment Rika smiles, my vision flips 180 degrees.
"And that’s my win."
When I come to, I’m flat on my back on the bed.
Sitting playfully on my stomach, Rika laughs in delight.
"…Total defeat. Man, it’s rough having reality shoved in your face like this."
"In a contest of strength, this is how it ends. But battles aren’t decided by strength alone, so don’t lose confidence."
Rika pats my head, gently, as if to console me.
It’s just like how I used to comfort her when we were kids.
…She’s no longer someone who needs my protection—that fact hits me all over again.
"That said, a loss is a loss. As punishment, Jin, you’ll have to endure my interrogation."
As I sit there stunned, Rika leans in closer, her hands planted on either side of my face, pinning me down.
Her emerald eyes pierce straight into mine.
"Jin. Why don’t you sleep next to me anymore? You used to during our travels."
An absurd sound escapes my mouth.
Of course, there’s a reason for that. Rika’s body has grown into that of a proper young woman, and I just couldn’t ignore all the feelings that came with that.
I’m not some saint who’s had all his desires eradicated.
Being that close, even while sleeping, wasn’t good for either of us. For the sake of my sanity—and hers—I decided we should sleep in separate spaces.
…Not that I could explain such an embarrassing truth outright.
"W-well, you know… You’re at that age now, Rika. I thought it’d be embarrassing if YÅ«ri or the others saw us sleeping together."
"I wouldn’t be embarrassed. So let’s start sleeping together again, starting tonight."
"There are other reasons! I mean, come on, it’s not proper for a guy and a girl our age to share a bed. What if I… you know… couldn’t control myself?"
"In other words, you’re saying you see me as a woman?"
"N-no, that’s not what I—"
"Then there’s no problem. We’ll sleep together starting tonight."
"I’m sorry! I thought you were getting cuter as you grew up, and it started feeling dangerous, so I kept my distance! Please forgive me!"
I clasp my hands together in front of my face, bowing in apology.
Why… why am I being forced to confess my own weaknesses like this…?
It’s practically the same as admitting I’ve been looking at Rika in that way.
What am I even doing, saying this to a girl who’s literally proposed to me? Wait… does this mean it’s fine…?
"Okay. I forgive you," she says with a smile.
Rika’s forgiving response affirms my panicked ramblings.
Thank goodness… She doesn’t hate me…
Relieved that the worst-case scenario didn’t happen, I let out a breath of relief.
"Rika, thank you—"
But that relief is fleeting.
Before I can finish my sentence, my words are silenced as her lips press against mine.
The soft sensation makes me forget to breathe, our lips lingering in a kiss that leaves me stunned.
"…Finally. Finally, you admitted it. That you see me as a woman, not just your little sister."
While I’m left speechless, Rika pulls back, tracing her lips with her finger, a look of satisfaction on her face.
"At last, I’ve graduated from being your little sister. I’m so happy. Now, I can stand beside you—not behind you. In strength, in spirit, and in position. Knowing that… I’ll forgive you this time."
She smiles at me, and in that moment, it’s the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.