The Villainous Lady Doesn't Speak Chapter 69

 Crimson and Merchant 7

Although there had been a kidnapping incident near the Coiraud Viscount's domain, Riley and the others encountered no further issues on their journey and arrived in the city with the dyeing special zone. A little distance from the dyeing special zone was the Duke of Clark’s villa. It was said that during the time of Liliana’s grandfather, Rodney Antet Clark, who was Duke, they often stayed there as a summer retreat. However, now it was mainly used by her grandparents, and Liliana, Clyde, and her parents rarely visited. Particularly, Liliana had never been there since she could remember. Everything she saw was new and fascinating.

Unlike the capital city centered around the royal palace, this city had a church with an attached monastery at its center. The central area was surrounded by double walls encircling a small hill, with farmland spreading outside. The dyeing special zone was the area between the two castle walls. The newly constructed outer wall, built to prevent the theft of crimson dye, was brighter and more dazzling than the old city walls.

The Duke of Clark’s villa was situated on a small hill within the old city walls. It stood alone in a vast garden designed to resemble a forest and river, simple yet elegantly constructed.

Riley and the others first headed to the villa to drop off their luggage. It seemed that Liliana’s grandparents were currently staying there, and upon their arrival, they were greeted by the butler and attendants of the grandparents.

"Welcome, Your Highness. I trust you are not too fatigued from your long journey. If it pleases you, my master would like to extend his greetings."

The butler spoke with polite formality. Liliana’s grandparents were likely informed of Riley’s arrival. With no reason to decline, Riley, along with Clyde and Liliana, proceeded to the reception room.

The reception room was furnished with luxurious furniture. Although it was unified in rich tones, the ample space prevented any feeling of crowding. The fabrics for the sofas, curtains, and carpets were primarily red. Given the color, it was likely dyed with crimson dye from the special zone. The quality was undoubtedly top-notch.

Liliana’s grandparents, seated on comfortable sofas, stood up when they saw Riley. Though relatively casual due to being at the villa, they still maintained a level of decorum.

"Thank you for coming, Your Highness."

"It’s been a while, Your Excellency. I am deeply grateful for your hospitality."

"This is a rural area, but please feel free to relax and unwind. This is my wife, Barbara. I believe this is the first time you’ve met her."


Rodney, Liliana’s grandfather, spoke first. Barbara, her grandmother, was introduced, and Riley nodded. He was encouraged to sit on the sofa. Once the maids had prepared tea and snacks and retreated to a corner of the room, Riley began to explain the purpose of their visit.

"I came to inspect the crimson dye that has become a specialty of this region."

"I’ve heard that crimson dye is becoming popular in the capital as well."

"Yes. It is highly praised for its beauty and gloss, and even visitors from abroad sometimes inquire if it can be procured."

"That’s very much appreciated."

Rodney, the former prime minister, responded smoothly but with a neutral expression. Riley continued the conversation casually, while Liliana watched her grandparents with interest. It was rare for her to observe her grandfather conversing with others up close, and it was also unusual to closely observe her grandmother sitting beside him.

Liliana had very few memories of conversing with Barbara. The only instance was when Barbara briefly spoke to her during Clyde’s presentation in the Fortia territory. Since Liliana had not responded at that time, it couldn’t be considered a conversation.

Suddenly, Riley changed his tone.

"This villa also seems to use a lot of crimson dye. I understand that crimson dyeing began recently, but how long has research into it been underway?"

Crimson dyeing had been mostly imported from abroad. Since it was a popular and valuable product among foreign merchants, the dyeing techniques had been kept secret for a long time. However, when export and import stopped due to heightened tensions with foreign countries, some began researching similar dyeing techniques within the kingdom of Slibegrad. Ultimately, it was only the Clark Duchy that succeeded in this endeavor, but whether it was due to talented individuals or simply a long research period, the exact history of the research was not clear.

"It hasn’t been that long. Originally, the research started with the intention of presenting it to the late king."

Rodney answered with a smile. For a moment, a light akin to madness flickered in his eyes when he mentioned the late king. Barbara nodded and continued her husband’s explanation.

"Before that, we had also had family members investigate, but we wanted to present the finest item within our territory—indeed, the finest in the kingdom—to our beloved late king. Fortunately, we had an excellent son who made it come to fruition."

"Your son—are you referring to the current Duke of Clark?"

Riley was taken aback, surprised that the blue-flame prime minister had such a specialty. Liliana and Clyde were also hearing about the history of crimson dyeing research for the first time. However, they were perplexed as they could not connect this with the current Duke of Clark. He seemed more the type to delegate research to capable individuals rather than conduct it himself.

As expected, Barbara denied Riley’s assumption.

"Oh, no. Abram has a younger brother named Samuel. He was very scholarly by nature. Samuel admired Abram greatly and was desperate to please his older brother, who was interested in crimson dyeing. He collected Eastern books from a young age and spoke with merchants dealing in Southern goods—he traveled far and wide to establish the dyeing techniques. When the research was finally emerged, he was the first to report it to Abram.”

Barbara spoke nostalgically about Samuel’s deep admiration for his older brother, Abram. Rodney, who had been listening silently, clearly nodded when Barbara sought his agreement, and then spoke with satisfaction.

"Our sons in the Clark family are educated from a young age to dedicate themselves to a single master in their lifetime. Since Samuel was the second son, it is natural that he chose his elder brother Abram as his sole master."

Samuel was Liliana’s uncle who had collected books for the library of the estate where Liliana lived. Although he had passed away before Liliana was born, the books he left behind made him feel closer to her than her own father.

Liliana could not immediately recall that her father’s name was Abram. To her, her father was simply the Duke of Clark and nothing more. The sense of him being her father was faint, making it hard for her to reconcile him as her blood relative.

Clyde, who glanced over, also had a subtle expression of discomfort, indicating he too felt a disconnect with the human side of his father as described by his grandparents.

"A single master for a lifetime—" Riley echoed thoughtfully.

"Indeed. Of course, this does not imply any disloyalty to the royal family. The eldest son's sole master is the King. We are a stubborn bloodline, and that will never change."

Rodney firmly stated that the Clark family’s absolute loyalty to the royal family was unquestionable. From his expression and tone, there was no hint of deception. However, as a skilled prime minister, Rodney was certainly capable of duplicity. Riley, facing him, seemed unsure how much to trust this assertion.

Moreover, Liliana pondered inwardly:

— If one must dedicate themselves solely to the king, then surely her grandfather Rodney pledged his sole loyalty to the previous king. But if that is the case, to whom does the current Duke of Clark, Abram, pledge his sole allegiance?

Riley’s eyes narrowed slightly for a moment. He quickly resumed smiling, but Liliana noticed the change in his expression and felt something was amiss. Riley, like Liliana, had a sharp mind and likely shared her concerns. However, Rodney and Barbara did not notice Riley’s fleeting expression. Rodney then suggested:

"If you wish to learn more about the history of crimson dyeing, there is a museum near the special zone. Although it is not open to the public, it holds research materials. If you are interested, I can inform the curator to show it to you."

"A museum, you say?"

"Yes, it’s a collection of foreign cultures. It’s a mansion that gathers rare items. Recently, it seems that similar exhibitions—sometimes called the Room of Wonders—are spreading in our country. We expanded its scale and focused the theme on a single subject."

According to Barbara, it was Samuel’s idea. The materials and tools collected for crimson dyeing research were vast. Initially stored in the mansion where Riley and the others were staying for convenience, they began to encroach on the living space. Consequently, a separate house was acquired just for storage. Although it was not intended to be open to the public, it was thought that having a thematic focus, rather than a haphazard collection, would attract more interest.

"Although it is open only to nobles, the mansion still conducts research. So, I believe you will be able to enjoy it without any worries."

Barbara smiled gracefully, saying "Oh ho ho." Riley nodded in response.

"That sounds very interesting."

It was not mere flattery; Riley seemed genuinely intrigued. After further casual conversation, Rodney instructed the butler to inform the museum that the crown prince would be visiting the following day.

Given the fatigue from the day’s journey, the inspection was scheduled for the next day. Riley and Clyde headed to the study to discuss matters with Rodney, while Liliana, accompanied by Marianne, went to their assigned family quarters. Since it was Liliana’s first time at the villa, she had brought all her personal belongings with her.

As she watched Marianne quickly organizing their luggage, Liliana handed Marianne a note.

<I'm sorry for the sudden request, but this season marks your debut in high society, right?>

Liliana’s sudden question surprised Marianne. Her eyes widened as she nodded and said, "Yes, that’s correct," though her expression was one of confusion. Undeterred, Liliana continued.

<Have you finished preparing your dress? You will need it for both the debutante ball and the subsequent evening parties.>

On the debutante day, all women were required to wear white evening gowns with white long gloves up to the elbows. However, after that day, there were no specific requirements, and each person could tailor their dress as they wished. Marianne thought for a moment before nodding.

"Well, yes—though, as I am Lady Liliana’s maid, and the youngest daughter of the Baron of Kennys, I might not have many opportunities to attend."

<Nevertheless, attending salons is important for a noble daughter.>

The Kennys family, Marianne’s family, had many children. Marianne had one younger brother, but also five older brothers and three older sisters. The extended family also had many children and followed a strict meritocracy where capable relatives were promoted regardless of birth order. This approach emphasized the development of each child’s unique qualities, which is why Marianne was allowed to work for the Duke’s family, considering her skills and traits.

Marianne knew her strengths and weaknesses well and intended to avoid attending salons as much as possible after her debut.

Liliana smiled in exasperation at Marianne’s reluctance, but her smile was not meant to be sarcastic.

Salons hosted by high-ranking noblewomen required advanced education and political knowledge, but they also provided valuable connections. Such interactions could lead to finding a suitable marriage partner and sometimes even influence national affairs.

<Even if it’s not immediately necessary, it’s better to be prepared. If you haven’t settled on a design, I’m not insisting, but if you haven’t thought about it at all, I’d like to offer you a dress.>

"Lady Liliana—"

Initially at a loss for words from surprise, Marianne’s eyes began to well up with emotion, clearly touched by the offer.

"I—I am already grateful for your kindness."

<Don’t say that. It’s just a small token of my appreciation for everything you’ve done for me.>

Liliana persuaded Marianne with a smile. Memories of the monster stampede from last year, which might have been based on a game scenario, resurfaced in her mind.

(Although I’m not sure if that dream was truly based on a game scenario—)

The dream had been too vivid to dismiss as mere fantasy. In the dream, Liliana had caused a surge of magical power out of fear, inadvertently killing Marianne, who had stayed by her side until the end. The two guards were killed by monsters, and the accompanying mage—presumably Petra—had disappeared without helping Liliana or Marianne. Marianne had devoted herself completely to Liliana, who had become withdrawn and isolated, never opening up to others.

In the game scenario, Marianne had not appeared and had died before reaching her debut.

(Is this what sentiment feels like?)

Liliana tried to apply the concept she had read about, but it didn’t quite fit. However, her desire to give Marianne a dress was genuine.

After Liliana’s insistence, Marianne finally agreed, saying she would accept if the dress wasn’t too expensive. Though, honestly, there was no such thing as a cheap dress from a duke’s daughter to a baron’s youngest daughter, Liliana agreed. While she would avoid anything meant for royalty, Liliana intended to give Marianne a crimson dress.

(I’m sure the color red will look beautiful on Marianne.)

Deciding this, Liliana instructed the butler to call the finest dressmaker immediately. After adjusting the schedule, the dressmaker agreed to come to the mansion the day after tomorrow, having cleared all other appointments. Liliana also asked the butler to check if Riley or Clyde needed any tailoring. She then spent the rest of the evening relaxing in her room until dinner.


You can call me Arcadia here, I am a translator from JP translation for fun and also handle with updating the chapters here. If you have any concerns about the translations or requests, feel free to contact me at

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