I, a Tired Office Worker, Start Living Together with a Beautiful Highschool Girl whom I Met Again After 7 Years Volume 4 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


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T/N: This is the last chapter of volume 4. Yet there's still short story is left, will publish it tomorrow.


Hello, we comprise a group of individuals dedicated to translating light novels for enjoyment. Within our translation team, there is myself (Ren), Harry, and DarkNight. Translating light novels, is not only a shared hobby of ours but also a passion. This website would be about our WN Translations. If you have anything to ask. You can contact us by reaching out to this email; Also if you have any WN requests you can send that in the given Gmail. If the WN interests me I will pick it up for the translations. renkun086@gmail.com

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