After Helping “Ice Princess” From Another School, I Decided to Start as a Friend Volume 2 Chapter 1 Part 7

 Part 7

"...uta-kun, Souta-kun..."

Nagi, after taking the medicine, fell asleep again, only to have her consciousness roused by a gentle call from Nagi.

"...Nagi? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry to wake you, but I was a bit concerned about Souta-kun's sweat. If it stays like this, you might catch a chill."

At Nagi's words, I sat up... and indeed, the sweat was quite heavy. My back was drenched.

"It was a good idea to lay down the towel just in case. Also, since you're probably feeling uncomfortable with the sweat, I've brought a change of clothes, warm water, a towel to wipe you down, and another towel to lay down."

"I'm feeling a lot better than before. I’m not fully back to normal yet, but thanks. For the wind."

I sat down, and Nagi sat next to me... Well, then...


"That means, please take off your shirt."


Nagi's words didn't quite register in my mind. No, I heard them clearly, but my brain couldn't keep up, so I asked her to repeat it.

It must have been a misunderstanding.

However, my thoughts were immediately contradicted by her next words.

"Or should I take it off for you?"

With that, my doubt was put to rest.

A silence fell over the room. Then, Nagi let out a soft "Ah," and her face began to turn red.

"N-no, I didn't mean it in a strange way, okay?"

"That pause is what's bothering me."

"...Well, just a little bit, but, you know, Souta-kun is quite muscular," Nagi said honestly.

I couldn't help but laugh at her straightforwardness. At that, Nagi flustered and quickly tried to explain herself.

"Th-there’s no way I want you to strip entirely! It would be hard to wipe your back properly, and I’m not doing anything weird to a sick person, so don’t worry."

"Ah, yeah. I figured you wouldn’t want that... I’m embarrassed too, but... it’s fine since I’m sick."

"Then... can I count on you?"

"Yes! Of course!"

The sweat had been bothering me, and even though I felt a little dizzy, I managed to undress with Nagi’s support. Despite the situation, the closeness between us seemed to shorten the distance, and I could smell a sweet fragrance, which made me a little nervous.

I wonder if the warmth in my cheeks is from the fever or... well, I shouldn't think about it right now.

"I'm sorry. I probably smell bad."

"No... I don't mind your scent, Souta-kun. Really. In fact, I—"

Nagi leaned in closer, then let out a surprised "Ah!" and quickly shook her head.

"No! That’s not what I meant! I-I mean... that's not it!"

"Ah, yeah. It’s fine, I understand."


Nagi's face flushed as she hid it with her hand, peeking through her fingers, her blue eyes still visible.


It was a quiet murmur, but in this still room, it was loud enough to hear clearly.

"Souta-kun... even if I’m... a lewd girl... or a pervert, would you... still not hate me?"

My vision swayed slightly, and I leaned back against the towel that was folded near my back.


"Nagi... I'm sorry, but please don't say anything that might make my fever worse. My heart is pounding right now."


I ended up saying something like that to Nagi. I cleared my throat and sat up straighter.

"...Also, there's no way I'd ever hate you, Nagi. If there’s something I really can't overlook, I might say something, but I don't think that will happen."

"Y-Yes! Me too! I-I’m sorry for saying such strange things out of nowhere. I’ll wipe your body now."

"Ah, thank you."

Nagi wrung out a towel soaked in warm water, and I turned my back to her.

The towel, warm but not too hot, was gently pressed against my back.

She started to rub my back softly.

"How’s that... is it better if I apply a little more pressure?"

"Ah, just a little more... that’s perfect. Thanks."

Nagi scrubbed my back with just the right amount of pressure. It felt so good, probably because of how sweaty I had been.

"...It feels like your back is really broad, Souta-kun."


"Yes... If you were feeling better, I’d want to lean against you right here."

"When I’m better, then. Anytime is fine."

We continued talking while she wiped me down. Then, Nagi took my arm.

"Let me wipe your hands as well. It’s actually a bit tricky to clean this area."

"That would help, yeah."

Nagi carefully wiped my shoulder, arm, and hand.

"...Souta-kun, you’re actually pretty muscular."

"I’m not in any sports clubs, but I try to stay in shape to some degree. It’s not like I’m doing anything serious, though."

"That’s a good thing."

Nagi wiped with a cheerful expression, gentle and meticulous. She even wiped between my fingers, which made me feel a little ticklish.

Then, out of nowhere, Nagi pressed her palms together.

"Your palms are big, too."

It seemed like Nagi was just curious. She let out an "Oh," and intertwined her fingers with mine, giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"...I like how strong you feel when we hold hands like this, Souta-kun."

My vision blurred again.

Nagi’s smile, and every little action of hers, was really making my heart race.


"...Nagi, you really need to understand just how cute you are."

Despite the awkward moment, Nagi continued to wipe my hands.

While Nagi went to fetch a change of clothes for me, I finished wiping my front and lower half. I felt much better.

Afterward, I managed to sleep again, and my condition gradually improved. By the next day, I was fine enough to go to school, but since I didn’t want to risk spreading anything to others, I decided to stay home.

I was planning to have Nagi go to school, but—

"I’ll take care of you until today. There’s still laundry and cooking to do, so there’s a lot to be done. If you push yourself now, you might relapse."

And so, I was declined. I was more worried about studying, but it seems she had asked Hayama to lend her notes later.

Furthermore, since I had already done some preparation, I should be fine for at least one more day. It seems that Soichiro-san and the others had also agreed to this.

By the way, I also plan to borrow notes from Eiji next time. Despite everything, he’s actually someone who takes notes seriously. It really helped me out.

On the second day, I ate gentle foods like warm soup to soothe my stomach, and with Nagi's care, I was able to make a nearly full recovery.


"Yo! You still alive?"

"Ah, Eiji. Good morning. Somehow, I survived."

As soon as I entered the classroom, Eiji greeted me first, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"...Even though I’m better, I’m still recovering. You shouldn’t get so close."

"Hm? Oh, before that, can I ask you something?"

With that, Eiji leaned in close to my ear.

"There's a rumor going around that you two are dating. Someone apparently saw you heading to the amusement park on Saturday. What do you want to do about it?"

He asked in a quiet voice.

"What do you mean, 'What do I want to do about it'...?"

I thought for a moment. Maybe it would be better to consult Nagi before deciding.

"By the way, I’d recommend just making it public. It’ll keep the weirdos away, and it’s going to come out sooner or later anyway."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's do that."

Nagi... Back when she was Ice Princess, the pressure she gave off was overwhelming, and only a few people dared to approach her. Well, even so, she was so beautiful that people still tried to talk to her.

That’s why I started to feel a little uneasy.

What if Nagi... What if she showed that side of herself at school?

Just thinking about it was terrifying. I was worried she might end up in a bad situation.

Moreover... there was a part of me that didn’t want Nagi to be seen like that by others.

"You’re the type, huh? Soft on the people close to you."

"I’ve always had a pretty narrow circle of friends. I just want to cherish the people inside it."

I didn’t say it out loud, but naturally, that circle included Eiji. He’d done a lot for me, after all. I had a personality that just wanted to help those I felt close to, even if it wasn’t a direct repayment.

"Yeah, I figured as much. Well, I’ll spread the word if anyone asks."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Just as Eiji stepped back, a female student approached me. She was one of the chatty types who would talk to anyone and seemed to have lots of friends.

"Hey, hey, Minori-kun. Is it true you’re dating Ice Princess?"

Her question made me freeze for a second.

...That was fast. I didn’t expect it to come up this quickly.

I was relieved that Eiji had warned me beforehand and let out a sigh. Then I nodded.

"Yeah, it’s true."


In an instant, the classroom became noisy.

The girls erupted in excitement, while the boys groaned in despair. The room quickly split into two groups.

The girls kept getting up and crowding around me.

"Wait, wait! You’re really dating Ice Princess? Since when? When did it start?"

"How did you even become friends with Ice Princess?"

"How did you meet?"

"Who confessed first?"

"W-Wait, hold on! You’re asking too many questions all at once—"

I was momentarily dizzy from the rapid-fire questions. I glanced at Eiji, but he just looked back at me, amused.

"Well, look at that. Looks like your 'golden period' has arrived."


While I was still considering what to do, more questions kept coming.

"Have you... kissed yet?!"

"I can’t even imagine it, but... have you held hands?"

My cheek twitched involuntarily... and I sighed.

It seemed like I wouldn’t be getting a break from this for a while. I’d answer as much as I could, but anything related to privacy would be off-limits.

Eiji, grinning as he watched me, seemed like he was up to something, which made the situation feel a bit uneasy.


"Hey, hey, Minori-kun. We're going to karaoke now, want to come with us? I still want to hear more about 'The Ice Princess.'"

To my surprise, the questioning didn’t stop until after school. They kept taking turns asking questions. Of course, there were questions from the boys too, but the girls were much more persistent. In the end, they even said this:

"No, sorry, I’ve got plans after school."

As expected, after being bombarded with questions for so long, it started to get annoying. I decided to just head straight to Nagi’s place and threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey, wait! Just a little longer, just a bit more, okay?"

"Me too!"

"I want to hear more too!"

I sighed inwardly, telling myself I’d only have to deal with them until I got past the school gate. Even if I pushed them away now, there would just be a second and third wave of questions.

As I made my way to the school gate, only answering the questions I could, I noticed a crowd gathering. It felt strangely familiar—like I had experienced something similar recently. What was it?

Then the crowd parted.


Her pure white hair was clearly visible even from here. Another sense of déjà vu.

As I realized this, I felt a cold sweat on the back of my neck.

Right now, there were many people around me who didn’t know Nagi. Moreover, it was mostly... no, just by looking, I could tell that the girls were in the majority.

I hadn’t done anything wrong, but this sight probably wouldn’t sit well with Nagi.



With a sharp tone, Nagi called my name. For once, I responded more sharply than usual.

Nagi waved at me with a small smile and straightened her posture, signaling for me to stand by her side. As if sensing the atmosphere, the students around us didn’t follow.

"Stand next to me."

I stood beside her as instructed. Then...


Nagi suddenly wrapped my left arm tightly to her chest.

"W-what? Nagi?"

"......I have to do this or they won’t get it."

Nagi murmured quietly, looking around the group.

"Souta-kun is my fiancé."

Her voice wasn’t loud, but it was clear and easy to hear.



"Fiancé!?!? Not just boyfriend, but fiancé!?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. I realized I had never mentioned this before. Even if I had, I would have needed Nagi’s permission first.

Caught off guard by her sudden declaration, I looked at Nagi... who was still standing there, blushing bright red, quietly scanning the area.

"So, as I was saying—"

Once again, Nagi's voice wasn’t loud, but it carried surprisingly well, and soon the area became silent.

"Souta-kun is my... I will make him happy. Don’t you dare try to meddle or cause trouble... No matter who you are, male or female, if you try to hurt him, I won’t forgive you."

Her voice had dropped an octave from usual.

It didn’t sound like she was angry... Rather, I felt the same pressure as when she was still The Ice Princess.

However, Nagi’s words were met with cheers.

Girls were squealing with excitement. The ones standing directly in front of us weren’t doing that, but the atmosphere was charged.

"Souta-kun is such an attractive person, so it’s been a bit of a challenge. Hayama-san told me to come here, so here I am."

"Bit of a challenge?"

"Yes, quite a challenge."

"......We’re both in a tough spot, huh?"

I responded with a wry smile. If it’s like this for me, Nagi’s high school must be even more chaotic than mine.

As I thought that, I looked over to the distance and saw a familiar figure giving me a peace sign. It seemed like Nagi had heard from Hayama, but the instigator of all this was apparently Eiji.

"However, this might be a bit hard to keep up appearances with."

"What do you mean?"

When I met her gaze, Nagi’s face held the serious expression she had shown on the train, but... no, her cheeks were twitching, struggling to suppress a smile.

"Well, you see... When I’m next to Souta-kun, I naturally end up smiling."

"That’s like Pavlov’s dog or something."

"I-I can’t help it. I’m next to you, Souta-kun."

But at this rate, it could get bad. If Nagi keeps smiling like that in front of everyone, her image might be affected... although, does it matter?

...But somehow, I didn’t want that.

I closed my eyes briefly, thinking.



"Let’s hide it."

I pulled Nagi into my chest, holding her close. The girls around us let out an even louder cheer.


"I got here first!"

"Nishizawa!? Since when... and where from?"

I had intended to call Eiji, but Nishizawa appeared out of nowhere.

"I heard from Eiji that it was going to cause a commotion, so I came to check it out."

"I’m here too!"

"Hayama... So, you were the one who was sent to help?"

"That’s right. Now, we should get going before the teachers show up. I’ll take care of the crowd; you follow me."

"Eiji, you better help too!"

"Yeah! Leave it to me."

Before I knew it, Eiji had come over, and with their help, we managed to escape the school before a teacher could intervene.

Tomorrow might be a bit scary, but I think we’ll be okay. With everyone here, the spiteful stares... I hope they’ll lessen. I believe they will.

Setting the problems aside for now, I hugged Nagi tightly.


"…I-I’m sorry for causing trouble."

"No… well, I guess I did too. In the end, it ended up being pretty noticeable. Sorry about that."

"When you suddenly hugged me, I really wondered what was going on."

We moved away from the high school, and finally realized how reckless we had been.

Looking back now, I can’t help but think that was too much. A public hug is definitely crossing the line.

"But, now Minori-chan won’t be taken away, right? You probably won’t have to worry about being bothered by boys or girls anymore, huh?"

"True, the original goal was achieved, but... I... I can’t deny that I feel like I overdid it a bit."

When Nagi said this with a bright red face, Hayama grinned.

"Well then, next time, we’ll have to have Souta-kun come to our school and do the same thing, right?"

"...I-I’d be too embarrassed to do that! ...N-No, I’d be happy to, though."

"I-I don’t think I have the courage for that..."

But still, I wondered—was that really the right thing to do?

If it meant fewer boys would try to get close to Nagi, maybe it would be worth it…?

"Well, I think that was a bit much too. But I suppose to show we’re actually together, it might be good to do it once."

"...That might be true."


"As Nagi worried about me, I worry about her too. I’m not saying we need to do it right away."

At Nagi’s high school, most people probably wouldn’t know who I am. If I’m not careful, there could be someone who says, “Why not choose me instead?”...

Although, the chances of that happening are very slim.

As I thought about this, I noticed Nagi covering her red cheeks with her hand.

"If you don’t want me to do it, I won’t."

"No, it’s not that I don’t want you to… It’s more like… the opposite. When I think about you coming to pick me up, I just feel so happy."

She glanced at me and gave a shy, embarrassed smile.


"I can’t show anyone this… I don’t want anyone to see it."

I never imagined I would be this possessive.

As I sighed, Nagi gently moved closer to me and whispered, "...It’s the same for both of us."


Chapter 1 Part 8

Hello, we comprise a group of individuals dedicated to translating light novels for enjoyment. Within our translation team, there is myself (Ren), Harry, and DarkNight. Translating light novels, is not only a shared hobby of ours but also a passion. This website would be about our WN Translations. If you have anything to ask. You can contact us by reaching out to this email; Also if you have any WN requests you can send that in the given Gmail. If the WN interests me I will pick it up for the translations.

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