I got kicked out of the Hero's Party, so I went back to my hometown, but the entire party followed me Volume 1 chapter 1 Part 6 (Final)

 Part 6 (Final)

I managed to avoid becoming the worst kind of man, drowning in lust without making a decision...!

"...What were you two doing?"

"Nothing, really. I almost tripped, and YÅ«ri caught me."

"...Hmm. That sounds suspicious... but I’ll forgive you. I’m a big-hearted wife, after all."

"Ha ha, thanks... wife?"


"Who’s the wife?"

"I am. Jin’s wife."

Leaving me behind, unable to keep up with the situation, Rika continued speaking.

"Jin, I’ve decided on our wedding venue."

---Three-way confirmed.

Rika, you too...!

I couldn’t stop the cold sweat pouring down my face as I watched my childhood friend make a peace sign.

"What’s wrong, Jin? You’re sweating a lot. Are you... sick?"

"N-no, it’s nothing. I was just surprised when Rika suddenly appeared."

"Oh, I see. Surprise successful. Peace peace!"

Rika bounced up and down with a blank expression.

She’s happy about it. It’s an endearing sight, but I can’t laugh in this situation.

‘A scumbag who decided on a three-way without realizing it.’

My brain, in a state where it could almost read that terrible line, has surpassed its limit and, ironically, become calm.

So, the shaking of my legs is just nerves, and the sweat pouring down is just good metabolism.

I’m definitely not scared of my current situation.

Even I, at this point, can understand.

Past me definitely did something wrong.

For now, I’ll avoid mentioning that Rika’s acting like a wife.

I’m more curious about the wedding venue.

There’s a chance others have been involved without my knowledge.

"Alright. Let’s hear the details. Let’s sit down and talk one thing at a time."

With that, I sat down in a chair.

As if it were the most natural thing in the world, the two of them took their places beside me.

In front of me, an empty room stretched out.

"...That’s not going to happen!!"

I couldn’t hold back my remark any longer.

"It’s normal for a wife to sit next to her husband."

"No, when it comes to things like this, the wife should sit across from him and talk! It’s hard to talk when I’m sandwiched in between!"

"Then, Rika-san, you move to that side and explain properly."

"No. YÅ«ri can do it instead."

"Isn’t that asking a bit much?"

"It’s fine. I trust YÅ«ri."

"I’d have preferred you said that in a different situation!"

The conversation was going nowhere...

Also, I really wish they’d stop arguing across me... it’s incredibly uncomfortable.

Losing patience, I stood up and moved to the opposite side.

"Alright, both of you, don’t get up. Sit there and get along with each other."

When they tried to switch seats immediately, I put a stop to it, and reluctantly, they sat down.

"...So, you’ve decided on the wedding venue with me, huh?"

"Yeah. I’m sure Jin will be happy about it."

"I see. So, can I ask where it is?"

"The royal castle."

"…The royal castle? I’ve never heard of that place."

"No, it’s the castle in the royal capital."

"I wasn’t mistaken, damn it!"

Rika made a peace sign and kept flicking her fingers open and closed.

In contrast, I slammed my face onto the table, shouting at my childhood friend’s outrageous behavior.

"I made sure to get the king’s approval too."

Rika rummaged through her pocket and spread a folded piece of paper on the table.

Seeing that it had "Permission to use Eldentark Castle" written in large letters, I lifted my face but immediately dropped it again.

"Why... why would it be at the royal castle... And why did the king approve this...?"

"We wanted to share our happiness with as many people as possible."

"I see... You’re amazing..."

"With this, we’re officially recognized as a married couple by the state."

I was made painfully aware that Rika and I have different scales of thinking.

Rika’s name had spread far and wide as a Hero across various lands, and many would likely celebrate her as the hero who defeated the Demon King. She probably had a large group of enthusiastic fans who would come running to the wedding.

Now, I’m starting to worry about whether I’ll be stoned when they find out I’m the groom...


The direction the conversation is going suggests I’m marrying Rika, but isn’t YÅ«ri unhappy about this?

I quickly straightened my posture and looked at the girl who had confessed to me earlier.

"...? Is there something on my face?"

But there was no sign of anger whatsoever.

On the contrary, she was leisurely chatting with Rika, saying things like "You two are really getting along."

Huh...? Am I misunderstanding something...?

I thought this would turn into a dramatic situation...

"By the way, Rika-chan. Did you make sure to follow through with what I said?"

"Of course. Lusika stayed at the royal castle and is handling the paperwork."

"That’s good. It’s essential for everyone’s happiness."

"Yeah. I’ll definitely make Jin a noble."

In that instant, my mind went blank.

...Huh? Me, a noble? What does that mean...?

"Y-YÅ«ri? Could you explain this? I have no idea what’s going on..."

"Actually, as one of the rewards for defeating the Demon King, I requested that 'Jin-san be made a noble.'"

She said that with a snap of her fingers and a wink, looking completely confident.

She’s cute... but that’s not the issue!

"Heh heh, I’d been thinking about it for a while. If all of us really loved Jin-san, what should we do?"

"If we seriously fought over him, the damage would be worse than an attack from the Demon King’s army."

"Honestly, I’d love to keep him all to myself, you know? Of course, I had confidence that Jin-san would choose me. But..."

"I can’t imagine a life where I’m not by Jin’s side. So, the three of us talked it over last night."

"We came up with the idea of making Jin-san a noble. If Jin-san becomes a noble, then polygamy won’t be a problem!"

"With that, nothing will stand in the way of our marriage."

With that, as if the conversation was over, the two of them inched closer to me and tightly embraced my arms.

The beautiful faces of the two girls approached, just a breath away, and with smiles, they said:

"So, in other words..."

"You can’t escape anymore, so brace yourself."


Cute girls. And not just one, but multiple, confessing their feelings.

It's a situation that any man would dream of at least once, yet why is my cheek twitching?

There’s no escape now. The only path left is to accept everyone's love.

And the ones offering their love are national heroes.

Realizing my future, I was left struggling with a terrible stomach ache.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, in the royal castle...

"Damn it... That Rika. She can’t handle any tasks requiring thought, so she dumps them on me..."

"...I was woken up early and forced to do work in my pajamas, though?"

"Shut up and work with your hands. While I’m gone, the relationship between the three of them will move forward..."

"But I’m the king, right? Wait, what, menial tasks? Every time I’m around you guys, I feel like I’m going crazy..."

"Marriage...! Once this is over, I’ll finally marry Jin...!"

"Bring Jin to me...! He’s the only one in the Hero Party who’s kind to me...!!"

Lusika, with a demonic expression, cleared the mountain of paperwork, and in the midst of her desires, the king’s lament echoed emptily in his office.

T/N: This completes chapter 1. I will publish chapter 2 soon in the patreon. (Live translations), so join their to get early access.

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